
Database servers configuration (db-servers)

db-servers-hosts (2.0), hosts (1.1)
Item Value
Description List of database hosts to monitor, IP and port (optional), specified in the host:[port] format and separated by a comma
Type list
Example ","
db-servers-credential (2.0), user (1.1)
Item Value
Description Database login with root privileges, specified in the [user]:[password] format
Type string
Example "root:password"

Database login credentials will use IP (not socket). If you are using local configuration with MySQL or MariaDB, please set up credentials and privileges for instead of localhost.

If the host is not specified or is localhost, a connection to the local host occurs:

On Windows, the client connects using shared memory, if the server was started with the [shared_memory]( system variable enabled to support shared-memory connections.

On Unix, MySQL programs treat the host name localhost specially, in a way that is likely different from what you expect compared to other network-based programs: the client connects using a Unix socket file. The [--socket]( option or the MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable may be used to specify the socket name.
db-servers-prefered-master (2.0), prefmaster (1.1)
Item Value
Description Database preferred candidate for master election, in host:[port] format
Type string
Example ""
db-servers-ignored-hosts (2.0), ignore-servers (1.1)
Item Value
Description Database list of hosts to ignore for master election
Type list
Example ","
db-servers-connect-timeout (2.0), connect-timeout (1.1)
Item Value
Description Database connection timeout in seconds. The server will timeout if the connection cannot be established before that value.
Type integer
Default Value 5
db-servers-read-timeout (2.0), read-timeout (1.1)
Item Value
Description Database I/O read timeout in seconds. The server will timeout if, on an already established connection, no data is received during a period equal to this option's value.
Type integer
Default Value 15
db-servers-tls-ca-cert (2.0)
Item Value
Description Path to the database connection TLS authority certificate.
Type string
Default Value ""
db-servers-tls-client-cert (2.0)
Item Value
Description Path to the database connection TLS client certificate.
Type string
Default Value ""
db-servers-tls-client-key (2.0)
Item Value
Description Database TLS client key.
Type string
Default Value ""
db-servers-binary-path (2.0), mariadb-binary-path (1.1)
Item Value
Description Path to mysqld binary for replication-manager-tst package to provisioning local clusters.
Type string
Default Value "/usr/local/mysql/bin"