
Configuration File Security

replication-manager provides password obfuscating security by implementing AES encryption.

An encryption key must be generated by running replication-manager keygen as root. This ensures that no unprivileged user can read the contents of the encryption key.

With the key now generated, you can create encrypted passwords using replication-manager password. Example:

# replication-manager password secretpass
Encrypted password hash: 50711adb2ef2a959577edbda5cbe3d2ace844e750b20629a9bcb

You can now replace your password in the configuration file using this encrypted hash:

user = "root:50711adb2ef2a959577edbda5cbe3d2ace844e750b20629a9bcb"

When an encryption key is detected at replication-manager monitor start, the encrypted passwords will be automatically decrypted by the application. There is no further configuration change required.

API Security Configuration

replications-manager-cli clients and API use JWT TLS protocol over https.

The REST API is secured using encrypted token that is used to validate user:password credential of the API, the client will use same default password and so enter the API without asking a password but if the configuration api-credential is changed, all client will prompt for the password unless given the correct parameter user and password flags.

api-credential (2.0), user (1.1)
Item Value
Description Rest API credential in [user]:[password] format
Type string
Default Value "admin:repman"

At startup of the monitor some x509 certificates are loaded from the replication-manager share directory to ensure TLS https secure communication.

Replace the files with your own certificate to make sure your deployment is truly secured.

`monitoring-ssl-cert (2.1)
Item Value
Description HTTPS & API TLS certificate
Type string
Default Value ""
`monitoring-ssl-key (2.1)
Item Value
Description HTTPS & API TLS key
Type string
Default Value ""
# Key considerations for algorithm "RSA" ≥ 2048-bit
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

# Key considerations for algorithm "ECDSA" ≥ secp384r1
# List ECDSA the supported curves (openssl ecparam -list_curves)
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out server.key
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650

In addition at startup replication-manager monitor will generate in memory extra self signed RSA certificate to ensure token encryption exchange for JWT

Database Security Configuration

db-servers-tls-ca-cert (2.0)
Item Value
Description Path to the database connection TLS authority certificate.
Type string
Default Value ""
db-servers-tls-client-cert (2.0)
Item Value
Description Path to the database connection TLS client certificate.
Type string
Default Value ""
db-servers-tls-client-key (2.0)
Item Value
Description Database TLS client key.
Type string
Default Value ""
replication-use-ssl (1.0)
Item Value
Description Replication is created using SSL encryption to replicate from master.
Type boolean
Default Value false

Replication-Manager does not set MASTER_SSL_CA , MASTER_SSL_CERT , MASTER_SSL_KEY in CHANGE MASTER command, instead it relies on MySQL MariaDB to get setup for the replication to be using SSL. with this flag replication just add MASTER_SSL=1 to the replication command.



Vault Security Configuration

replication-manager provides password obfuscating security by using Vault services.

To access your vault server, you must specify its address in the parameter vault-server-addr flag. Here, the documentation to setup a Vault server.

vault-server-addr (2.3)
Item Value
Description Vault server address
Type string
Default Value ""

To authenticate and access your data stored in your Vault server, you need to use an authentication method. For now, it is only possible to connect using the Approle method. Here, the documentation for creating an Approle role. Be carefull to create the necessary policies for your auth role, you can find documentation here

vault-auth (2.3)
Item Value
Description Vault auth method
Type string
Default Value "approle"

Specify your role and secret id obtained by creating your approle role with the parameters vault-role-id and vault-secret-id flags.

vault-role-id (2.3)
Item Value
Description Vault role id
Type string
Default Value ""
vault-secret-id (2.3)
Item Value
Description Vault secret id
Type string
Default Value ""

Vault allow multiple services to store secret data. Replication-manager provides two modes to use Vault services. Vault can be used to store keys in a secret on a Vault server, the config_store_v2 mode. Vault also provides a feature for automatic password rotation, implemented in the database_engine mode.

vault-mode (2.3)
Item Value
Description Vault mode
Type string
Default Value "config_store_v2"


In this case, the secret path to the remote secret must be specified in the parameters db-server-credential flag for the database credential and replication-credential flag for the replication-manager credential as user:password. The key of your secret, which is store at your secret path, has to be db-server-credential for your database credentials and replication-credential for the replication credential.

Exemple :

secret path : kv/applications/repman
key : db-server-credential
secret key : user:password

That means you can store different keys at the same secret path!

We also need to specify the mount directory of the secret in the vault-mount variable.

vault-mount (2.3)
Item Value
Description Vault mount for the secret
Type string
Default Value "secret"

Exemple of configuration for a secret store at /kv/applications/repman secret Vault path.

db-servers-credential = "applications/repman"
replication-credential = "applications/repman"

In this case, we store database server credential and replication credential at the same secret path, in two different key named by their respective parameters flags.

Be carefull to create the necessary policies to acces for your secret Vault path, you can find documentation here


Vault also allow to perform automatic password rotations with a management service of database credential. It allow to create a vault user that will performs password rotations on the specified database(s) at the desired regular time interval. First, you have to create a database role in which you will specify the connection url of your database, the username and password which allows Vault to access the database, the allowed role for the database and a SQL statement that will perform the rotation password. Here, the documentation to create a database role. Then, you have to create a static-role, with this documentation. A static-role is define by a username, a password and a rotation period.

Exemple of a database and static-role configuration :

#Database configuration
vault write database/config/my-mysql-database \
    plugin_name=mysql-database-plugin \
    connection_url="{{username}}:{{password}}@tcp(proxysql1.emma.svc.cloud18:3306)/" \
    allowed_roles="repman-monitor, repman-replication" \
    username="vaultuser" \

#SQL statement to perform password rotation
tee rotation.sql <<EOF
ALTER USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';

#Static-role configuration
vault write database/static-roles/repman-monitor \
    db_name=my-mysql-database \
    [email protected] \
    username="repman" \

vault write database/static-roles/repman-replication \
    db_name=my-mysql-database \
    [email protected] \
    username="repman-rep" \

Once these roles are set up, Vault will perform automatic password rotations for all roles defined in the database role configuration. To allow the repman to access the created roles, you have to specify the secret path to access the roles must be specified in the parameters db-server-credential flag for the database credential role and replication-credential flag for the replication-manager credential role.

Exemple of configuration for two static-role store at "database/static-creds/repman-monitor" and "database/static-creds/repman-replication" secret Vault path.

db-servers-credential = "database/static-creds/repman-monitor"
replication-credential = "database/static-creds/repman-replication"

Rotation of Database Credentials

So far, replication-manager is taking care of the monitoring and the replication credentials. When an authentication error state is trigger, replication-manager will presume that the password has been rotated and will fetch Vault secret path again. Also, we provide a password rotation service which can be accessible from the replication-manager interface or with an api call. This features is available in both Vault mode. In the config_store_v2 mode, replication-manager will generate a new password and update it in the vault secret and the databases. In the database_engine mode, replication-manager will send a resquest of rotation password to vault services, which will generate all the rotation password in the databases.