
HaProxy Configuration

We advice usage of HAProxy >=1.7 previously replication-manager can not get correct statistics

replication-manager can operate with HaProxy in different modes: local standby and remote via external check to replication-manger API since replication-manager (2.0). Last mode is API based since replication-manager (2.1).

haproxy (0.7)
Item Value
Description Enable Driving HaProxy.
Type boolean
Default Value false
haproxy-servers (0.7)
Item Value
Description Comma separated list of the HaProxy hosts.
Type String
Default Value ""
haproxy-mode (0.7)
Item Value
Description Mode of driving haproxy standby will operate a local haproxy intsance and drive config+
Type String
Default Value runtimeapi

standby: Operate a local HAProxy instance via config generation and triggering start stop reload via socket

runtimeapi: use the tcp runtime api of HAProxy to modify some route to master and backend state according to replication status

externalcheck: do nothing but when provisioning, set external check script to replication-manager and HAProxy config file using external checks

dataplanapi: TODO: a sidecar process that runs next to HAProxy and provides API endpoints for managing HAProxy. It requires HAProxy version 1.9.0 or higher.

haproxy-write-port (0.7)
Item Value
Description HaProxy port to get database connection in WRITE.
Type Integer
Default Value 3306
haproxy-ip-write-bind (0.7)
Item Value
Description If WRITE traffic bing to specific IP.
Type String
Default Value ""
haproxy-read-port (0.7)
Item Value
Description HaProxy port to load balance read connection to all databases.
Type Integer
Default Value 3306
haproxy-ip-read-bind (0.7)
Item Value
Description If READ traffic bing to specific IP.
Type String
Default Value ""
haproxy-stat-port (0.7)
Item Value
Description HaProxy port to collect statistics.
Type Integer
Default Value 1988

Local mode

haproxy-binary-path (0.7)

In local mode replication-manager, need HaProxy to be install and on the same server replication-manager will than start one HaProxy Daemon per Cluster configured and maintain the configuration to route traffic to the topology.

Item Value
Description Full path to HaProxy binary.
Type String
Default Value "/usr/sbin/haproxy"

replication-manager generate some HaProxy configuration file. A template is located in the share directory used by replication-manager. For safety HaProxy is not stopped when replication-manager is stopped

replication-manager re-generate the HaProxy configuration file when the topology change and instruct HaProxy to reload this configuration during failover and switchover.

Remote mode using external checks

HaProxy can call replication replication-manage(2.0) http handlers via the check-external feature to check that a backend is a valid Master or valid Slave

replication-manager (2.0) http server need to be enable and it's bind address need to be joinable from HaProxy for node health check to happen.

replication-manager-pro (2.0) can auto deploy HaProxy micro service, HaProxy config need the http-bind-address to be joinable from the proxy.

The haproxy conf that is deployed via micro services looks like this:


 maxconn 4096
 stats socket /run/admin.sock level admin
 log local0 debug

   log global
   mode http
   option dontlognull
   option redispatch
   option clitcpka
   option srvtcpka
   retries 3
   maxconn 500000
   timeout http-request 5s
   timeout connect 5000ms
   timeout client 50000s
   timeout server 50000s

listen stats
   mode http
   stats enable
   stats uri /
   stats refresh 2s
   stats realm Haproxy\ Stats
   stats show-legends

frontend my_write_frontend
    option tcplog
    mode tcp
    default_backend service_write

frontend my_read_frontend
    option tcplog
    mode tcp
    default_backend service_read

backend service_write
    mode tcp
    balance leastconn
    option external-check
    external-check path "/usr/bin:/bin"
    external-check command /usr/bin/checkmaster

server server1  weight 100 maxconn 2000 check inter 1000
server server2  weight 100 maxconn 2000 check inter 1000
server server3  weight 100 maxconn 2000 check inter 1000

backend service_read
    mode tcp
    balance leastconn
    option external-check
    external-check path "/usr/bin:/bin"
    external-check command /usr/bin/checkslave

server server1  weight 100 maxconn 2000 check inter 1000
server server2  weight 100 maxconn 2000 check inter 1000
server server3  weight 100 maxconn 2000 check inter 1000

The checkmaster script deployed looks like that: where is the local dc replication-manager (2.0) web server


echo $3 $4
ret=`wget -O - -q$3/$4/master-status`
n=`echo "$ret" | grep -c "200"`
if [ $n -eq 1 ]
 exit 0
exit 1

cat /usr/bin/checkslave

echo $3 $4
ret=`wget -O - -q$3/$4/slave-status`
n=`echo "$ret" | grep -c "200"`
if [ $n -eq 1 ]
 exit 0
exit 1

using replication-manager active/standby & arbitrator make sure each script point to it's local replication-manager. The all side loosing arbitration will report backend down.

Runtime API

HAProxy Runtime API provides very powerful dynamic configuration capabilities with no service reloads or restarts https://www.haproxy.com/fr/blog/dynamic-configuration-haproxy-runtime-api/

replication-manager (2.1) is waiting for some specific naming convention for backend pool and server names in the proxy config

backend service_write

In this backend one need to define a single master node a named it leader

backend service_read

In this backend one need to define a all replica nodes and named them with the Id of replication manager aka db<hash(host:port)> One can get those ID via API (http interface / cluster menu / debug / servers )

The replication-manager will auto DRAIN the backend route if the replication is broken or is late or the server is in ignored list