Docker images can be tagged per feature and architecture
Build with all the extra dependencies needed for database maintenance and the last LTS MariaDB server.
Default prov-orchestrator="opensvc" but support all orchestrations solution "k8s", "slapos", "onpremise"
Build with all tools to build replication-manager. It does not have an entry point
docker run --user=124:132 -eHOME=/go/src/ --detach --name=dev --interactive --tty --volume=/home/dev/replication-manager:/go/src/ --volume=/home/dev/etc/replication-manager:/etc/replication-manager:rw --volume=/home/dev/data:/var/lib/replication-manager:rw signal18/replication-manager:2.3-dev /bin/bash
The pro release that reflect the last commit on our develop branch
The osc release that default to prov-orchestrator="onpremise"
Logs can be found in /var/log/replication-manager.log
Official Signal18 container images for _replication-manager__
replication-manager is an high availability solution to manage MariaDB >= 10.x and MySQL & Percona Server 5.7 GTID replication topologies.
Main features are:
Based on a system user named repman in the hypervisor one can create directory ./etc ./etc/cluster.d and ./data
In ./etc wget In ./etc/cluster.d wget
Customize config.toml for global scope settings or for settings that spread against all your monitored clusters
Customize cluster1.toml.sample according to a my-fisrt-cluster
title = "cluster1"
prov-orchestrator = "onpremise"
db-servers-hosts = ""
db-servers-prefered-master = ""
db-servers-credential = "root:mariadb"
replication-credential = "root:mariadb"
title = "my-fisrt-cluster"
prov-orchestrator = "onpremise"
db-servers-hosts = "my-db1,my-db2"
db-servers-prefered-master = "my-db1"
db-servers-credential = "valid-super-user:mon-secret-password"
replication-credential = "valid-replication-user:mon-secret-password"
Rename your fist cluster config
./etc/cluster.d/cluster1.toml.sample to etc/cluster.d/my-fisrt-cluster.toml
Start the docker image that map to your config and with an empty datadir directory
docker run -v/home/repman/etc/replication-manager:/etc/replication-manager:rw -v/home/repman/data:/var/lib/replication-manager:rw -p443:10005 -p80:10001 signal18/replication-manager:3.0.1-rc
Extra ports from 10002 to 10004 exposing graphite & pickle api
Extra volume /root/.config/replication-manager Since version 3 is used to backup dynamic config changes