
failover-mode (2.0), interactive (0.6)
Item Value
Description Turn ON automatic failover.
Type enum
Possible Value "manual" , "automatic"
Default Value "manual"
failover-at-sync (0.7)
Item Value
Description Failover only when state semisync is sync for last status.
Type boolean
Default Value false
failover-max-slave-delay (2.0), maxdelay (0.6)
Item Value
Description Election ignore slave with replication delay over this time in second.
Type integer
Default Value 30
Item Value
Description Failover is canceled if previous failover took place that number of second before the time now, 0 means unlimited, this is use to prevent hardware network issue this can limit flip flap failover issues.
Type integer
Default Value 0
failover-limit (1.1), failcount (0.7)
Item Value
Description Failover is canceled if the number of failover reach that counter. The console, http or api can rest the internal counter, 0 means unlimited.
Type integer
Default Value 5
failover-readonly-state (2.0), readonly (0.7)
Item Value
Description Failover and switchover set slaves to read-only
Type boolean
Default Value true
failover-event-scheduler (1.0)
Item Value
Description Failover activate and disable event scheduler.
Type boolean
Default Value false
failover-event-status (1.0)
Item Value
Description Failover change the event status ENABLE OR DISABLE ON SLAVE. This is used when all cluster have event scheduler enable.
Type boolean
Default Value false
failover-post-script (2.0), post-failover-scripts (0.7)
Item Value
Description Full path of a post failover script. This is call after the new leader has been setup.
Type string
Default Value ""

Used to re-enable traffic but before replication-manager take care of repointing other slaves.

Parameters passed to script :

oldMaster.Host, electedMaster.Host, oldMaster.Port, cluster.master.Port bash shell example : $1,$2,$3,$4

failover-pre-script (2.0), pre-failover-scripts (0.7)
Item Value
Description Full path of a pre failover script. This is call before the new leader has been setup.
Type string
Default Value ""

Used to disable traffic on old master before replication-manager continue with failover or switchover. At this point a flush table with read lock is already issue on the old master.

Parameters passed to script :

oldMaster.Host, electedMaster.Host, oldMaster.Port, cluster.master.Port bash shell example : $1,$2,$3,$4

failover-restart-unsafe (1.1)
Item Value
Description Failover to the first restarted node when full cluster down, can be a slave
Type boolean
Default Value false


interactive (2.0)
Item Value
Description Tell to monitor in post 2.0 release
Type integer
Default Value 1