
Switchover Configuration

switchover-at-equal-gtid (1.1), gtidcheck (0.7)
Item Value
Description Switchover only when slaves are fully in sync.
Type boolean
Default Value false
switchover-at-sync (1.1)
Item Value
Description Switchover Only when state semisync is sync for last status.
Type boolean
Default Value false
switchover-wait-kill (1.1), wait-kill (0.7)
Item Value
Description Switchover wait this many milliseconds before killing threads on demoted master.
Type integer
Default Value 5000
switchover-wait-write-query (1.1), wait-write-query (0.7)
Item Value
Description Switchover is canceled if a write query is running for this time in second.
Type integer
Default Value 10
switchover-wait-trx (2.0), wait-trx (1.0)
Item Value
Description Switchover is cancel after this timeout in second if can't return from FTWRL.
Type integer
Default Value 10
switchover-slave-wait-catch (2.0)
Item Value
Description Switchover wait for replication to catch up before switching extra slaves, when using GTID don't wait can speed up switchover but may hide issues liek writing on the old master with super user
Type boolean
Default Value true