Provisioning Settings

Since version 1.1 replication-manager can use an agent-based cluster provisioning with the OpenSVC provisioning framework.

Starting with version 2.0 provisioning is packaged in a separate binary called replication-manager-pro

In replication-manager 2.1 one can specify an orchestrator for provisioning the default orchestrator is onpremise, that call external scripts for provisioning

./replication-manager-pro monitor

The following software services can be provisioned using Docker or Podman

Item Available
MariaDB Y
Percona Y
MaxScale Y
ProxySQL Y
HaProxy Y
SpiderProxy Y
Sphinx Y
Consul N
prov-orchestrator (2.1)
Item Value
Description Orchestration type
Type String
Values onpremise, opensvc, kube, slapos, local
Default "onpremise"
Example "opensvc"

All available for pro release and onpremise, local for the osc release

prov-orchestrator-cluster (2.1)
Item Value
Description The orchestrated cluster used in FQDNS
Type String
Default local
Example "cluster1"

Orchestrator FQDNS off one service will be

  • service_name is map to the host name defined in db-servers-hosts and proxy-servers-hosts,
  • namespace_name is map to the cluster section
  • cluster_name is map to prov-orchestrator-cluster

AKA: db1.bench.svc.cluster1, db2.bench.svc.cluster1

Services Options

Resources choice is uniform over a full cluster.

prov-db-service-type (1.1)
Item Value
Description Database type of Micro-Services deployment
Type Enum
Values docker,oci,podman,package
Example "Docker"

Type of Micro-Services can be docker or package not that if package it need the package install on the agent as replication-manager will only call the binary for bootstrapping and expect it to be present on the agent.

OCI special meaning for OpenSVC podman or docker


Micro-services placement will follow a round robin mode against the agents listed in the configuration .

bootstrap and unprovision commands can be found in the web interface.

The client API can also be used to fully provision a cluster defined in the configuration.

replication-manager-cli bootstrap  --cluster=cluster_haproxy_masterslave --with-provisioning
Provisioning done
prov-db-agents (1.1)
Item Value
Description List of agents for Database Micro-Services placement
Type List
Values Docker,Package
Example "Docker"

The agent names can be found in the web interface under the agents tab.


We advice usage of Orchestrator CNI virtual network, predefined network made available from the orchestrator administrators Volume is the only way to go inside K8S while you can refer to advanced options for OpenSVC where some internal network config can be refine

prov-net-cni-cluster (2.0)
Item Value
Description Name of orchestrator virtual network tu use
Type Sting
Default default
Example backend1
om net status
name          type           network       size   used  free   pct    
|- backend    undef          undef         1      0     1      0.00%  
|- backendv6  routed_bridge  fdfe::/112    65536  4     65532  0.01%  
|- default    bridge  65536  0     65536  0.00%  
|- lo         loopback  1      0     1      0.00%  
prov-net-cni (2.0)
Item Value
Description Does orchetrator use CNI
Type Boolean
Default true


We advice usage of Orchestrator Volumes, they are predefined storage ressources made available from the administrators Volume is way to go inside K8S while you can refer to advanced options for OpenSVC where specific file system options can be refine

prov-db-disk-type = "volume"
prov-db-volume-data = "db-nvme"
prov-proxy-disk-type = "volume"
prov-proxy-volume-data = "proxy-sas"
prov-db-docker-img (1.1)
Item Value
Description The database docker image to deploy
Type String
Example "mariadb:latest"
prov-db-disk-size (1.1)
Item Value
Description Databse disk size in g for micro service VM .
Type String
Default "20g"
Example "20g"
prov-db-disk-snapshot (2.0)
Item Value
Description Take daily snapshot.
Type boolean
Default false
prov-db-disk-snapshot-keep (2.0)
Item Value
Description Keep this number of snapshot.
Type int
Default 7